Ledger’s accompanying mobile/desktop application, Ledger Live, does not yet support ERC-20 tokens, so Ledger users need to use MyEtherWallet to receive/send IDRT.
Select Ethereum. If you used the Ledger Live app to set up your Ledger Nano S, select the derivation path m/44’/60’/0’/0. Otherwise, choose m/44’/60’/0′.
Click on Next. Chrome should create a prompt. Select your Ledger device and click on Connect.
You should see your dashboard.
In the Tokens panel on the right, click on the + Custom Tokens link.
Enter Rupiah Token’s contract details in the popup window. Token Contract Address : 0x998FFE1E43fAcffb941dc337dD0468d52bA5b48A Token Symbol : IDRT Decimals of Precision : 2
Click on Save, and you should see your Rupiah Token in the tokens panel