Coming Soon! IDRT Lucky Trading Competition on Liquid!

Hi IDRTers!
Rupiah Token is pleased to announce that we are going to held IDRT Lucky Trading on Liquid. The competition will start in October 2020.
Join the competition and stand a chance to win millions of IDRT for 70+ winners!
Please make sure you have your Liquid account verified! If you haven’t, we advise you to verify it before the event starts!
How to verify your account on Liquid?
- Register your account on Liquid.
- After the e-mail is verified, click “my profile” in your Liquid account and set up 2FA according to the instructions.
- Start verifying your data by uploading your identity (KTP or Passport) and uploading a selfie! Proof of address is optional / not required to be uploaded.
About Liquid
Liquid is an online cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade a wide range of fiat/crypto and crypto/cryptocurrency pairs. Its innovative order book, called the World Book, combines a global network of liquidity sources in order to provide access to a higher level of liquidity and better price matching.
Liquid’s parent company, Quoine, is headquartered in Tokyo and is licensed by the Japanese Financial Services Agency. Quoine was founded in 2014 and launched Quoinex, a fiat-to-crypto trading platform, in the same year.
In September 2018, Liquid was formed from the amalgamation of Quoinex and Qryptos.
About Rupiah Token
PT Rupiah Token Indonesia is a venture-capital-backed startup based in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a leading Blockchain technology company, our mission is to boost the acceptance of the Indonesian Rupiah worldwide and accelerate the transition to a more inclusive and open financial system. Since our establishment in January 2019, we have been hard at work developing our service in Indonesia and listing our tokens on reputable exchanges.
To request for partnerships or other collaboration opportunities, please email [email protected] or visit rupiahtoken.com to submit a request.
Telegram (EN): https://t.me/rupiahtokeninternational
Telegram (ID): https://t.me/rupiahtokenindonesia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RupiahTokenIDRT
Website: https://rupiahtoken.com
Blog: https://rupiahtoken.com/blog